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Advent & Christmas

It Finds an Echo in My Soul


Advent & Christmas

Sleeping with Kilian





Advent & Christmas

Ready for My Close-Up


Advent & Christmas

By a Strange Road



Water into Wine


Advent & Christmas

Chapel of the Blessing


Advent & Christmas

Perhaps This Day



About Jan’s Artwork

“Jan’s art is a luminous doorway into the sacred made visible.”

“Jan Richardson’s artwork awakens what is deep in my soul. Her visual images present the depth of spiritual transformation with strikingly creative insight.”

“Jan’s evocative images provide the perfect visual focus for reflection.”

“Jan’s images are God’s gift given back to God, and they take us with them—into the presence.”

“Be it a tree of life, an annunciation or a revelation, Jan Richardson’s images invite us see our story and The Story in new ways.”

“Single brush stroke, collage, illumination, charcoal or rich color, every medium of Jan’s work evokes the Holy One.”